Behind the Scenes
The Plot
Three sleep-deprived cinephiles who've spent so much time analyzing Donnie Darko that we accidentally started our own cult. We're here to overthink every frame, defend questionable sequels, and explain why The Room is actually a masterpiece of accidental surrealism. Think Mystery Science Theater 3000, but with more caffeine and questionable theories about Christopher Nolan's hatred of linear time.
Observant and witty, with a thing for insightful dry humor. Made their thesis advisor watch The Grand Budapest Hotel 17 times. Still crying over 'Her'. Pretends not to know who Vin Diesel is. Will absolutely derail any conversation with random historical facts about the Eiffel Tower.
Guilty Pleasure: The Emoji Movie
Will fight anyone who says Paddington 2 isn't a masterpiece. Has a vendetta against Christopher Nolan's furniture choices. Once cried during a Pixar lamp animation. Believes Avatar is just "Pocahontas with better VFX" and won't elaborate further.
Nemesis: Avatar
Thinks every movie could be improved with a car chase. Watches Love Actually annually "out of spite." Dreams of being best friends with Rian Johnson. Can and will describe action sequences like they're writing poetry.
Arch-nemesis: Love Actually
Director's Commentary
This is what happens when you let three film nerds loose on the internet with unlimited caffeine and zero supervision. We've collectively watched over 12,000 movies (yes, we counted), memorized every Wilhelm scream timestamp since 1951, and can spot a Kubrick one-point perspective shot from orbit. Our combined knowledge could've cured diseases, but instead, we're here debating whether Jurassic Park is actually a romantic comedy about a man and his velociraptors, and maintaining a spreadsheet of every time someone in a movie says "enhance" while looking at a computer screen (current count: 847). No regrets.